We help create a lower carbon footprint and a more sustainable process industry
8658 KTONS of CO2 +
PDC has already helped to save 8658 kilotons of CO2
1000+ energy projects +
PDC executed over 1000 projects, accumulating up to 50 gigawatts
1000+ reviews +
PDC has performed over 1000 independent third-party reviews
38 Years +
PDC has been active for 38 years as a leading consultant in the process industry
75% doctorates +
75% of PDC’s employees hold a doctorate degree in their field of expertise.
Up to 50% cost savings +
PDC has proven able to generate capital and operating cost savings of up to 50%
269 million euro R&D +
The total value of PDC’s collaborative r&d projects amounts to 269 million euros
50% bio-based & circular +
Bio-based and circular process developments represent 50% of PDC’s process work
Our expertise

Process Design Center (PDC) has both the experience as well as a go-getter attitude in supporting the process industry to do better and achieve more. We like to move onwards and go beyond where others may give up. These are the industry areas we consider to be our area of expertise.

No1 in process design
Bio based and circular
Circular water
Third party reviews
PDC Idea Factory
PDC Research Foundation
Our products and services

We offer specific services, that represents the various collaboration modes with our customers. Our flagship software product Prosyn is a key source in many of our projects. For a custom project set up get in touch.

Lighthouse projects
Smart-DAC PDC is one of the founders of CO2CirculAir B.V., a new direct air capture (DAC) start-up… read more +
Project 6-25 PDC leads the project selection, definition, and guidance of Project 6-25, which aims to reduce an additional six million tons of CO₂ emissions in Dutch industry… read more +
Redesigns for Shell Already in the 1990s PDC created lower carbon footprint designs for Shell… read more +
Biorefinery To date PDC developed and evaluated 16 alternative integrated biorefining processes, based on enzymatic… read more +
Prosyn membranes Prosyn Membranes is the world’s first Artificial Intelligence-based system for the selection and design of membrane separation processes… read more +
Plantics Our start-up Plantics won the “Renewable Material of the Year 2021” Innovation Award!… read more +
Client's experience
Martin Atkins
Former chief scientist at BP in China and chief technologist at Petronas in Malaysia and currently CEO of green Lizard technologies and CTO of Poseidon plastics in the UK.
We have worked with PDC for over 20 years now with various partners in the Oil & Gas, bio, clean energy and chemicals/fuels sectors. PDC have helped us enormously with conceptual design studies and understanding competitive technologies, providing appraisal and TEA data in the same package to help our businesses strategies and make best decision for commercial design. The option to use PDC team throughout the development cycle as well really enhances option development and energy savings in order to “fix” the design to allow basic engineering packages to be developed for use with PDC. Working early with PDC at conceptual and TEA study has taken considerable amount of time off the path to commercialization. In some cases, the work with PDC has led us to stop projects early and prevent the team going down dead ends.